Архитектура. Дизайн. Реконструкция и реставрация
МОДУЛЬНОЕ СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫХ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЙС. П. Кудрявцева, Н. С. ДолотказинаАстраханский государственный архитектурно-строительный университетВ своей статье авторы поднимают вопрос о возврате к типовому решению детских образовательных и общеобразовательных учреждений. Типовая школа, построенная в соответствии с принципами модульного проектирования, будет вовсе не тождественна безликой серой коробке. Проект в каждом конкретном случае будет индивидуальным как по визуальному восприятию, так и по компоновке модулей, функциональному назначению, масштабу. Учитывая успешный опыт многих стран, проведен анализ путей внедрения инновационных методов проектирования детских образовательных учреждений в образовательный процесс архитектурно-строительных учебных заведений. Ключевые слова: модуль, многовариантность, блок-секции, атриум, многофункциональные пространства. |
MODULAR CONSTRUCTION OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONSS. P. Kudryavtseva, N. S. DolotkazinaAstrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil EngineeringIn their article, the authors raise the question of the return to the model of children’s educational decision and educational institutions. A typical school built in accordance with the principles of modular design, is not identical to the faceless grey box. The project in each case will be individual as a visual perception and layout of the modules, functionality, scale. Considering the successful experience of many countries, analysis of ways of implementation of innovative methods for the design of children’s educational institutions into the educational process, architectural schools. Keywords: module, multiplicity, block section, atrium, multi-function space. |
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ENVIRONMENTAL ARCHITECTURE. REGIONAL NATURAL MATERIALS IN «GREEN» CONSTRUCTIONN. S. Dolotkazina, M. D. PotashovaAstrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil EngineeringThis article addresses the question of eco-architecture, engineering the environment taking into account of climatic factors and the use of regional natural materials. The economic component of such construction is as important as human comfort. The use of regional natural materials will not only be more profitable but also to fulfil their main task is to ensure respect for the environment. This can help re applied materials, the use of regenerative energy. Such actions reduce energy loss and provide water balance and save water consumption, relieve sewage treatment plants, and the correct orientation of the object will protect the building from wind, will provide the greatest illumination, and generally affect the internal microclimate of premises. Preserving the Earth’s resources — one of the main slogans of the modern world. People and architecture are inseparable from each other, this is what we, each of us, experienced et daily, so making our buildings more environmentally friendly, we care for the environment, which are, allow ourselves to follow the path of Progress, using new construction methods and innovative technology. Keywords: natural materials, straw blocks, green roof, eco-efficient architecture, adobe, solar panels. |
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